Online Dispute Resolution

Dear Client,

In the event of a dispute, any consumer residing in Portugal and in the European Union can exercise their right to complain to an official, third-party and impartial entity. In this context, WELCOME TO THE LOVE CLUB provides all the information so that you can exercise your right to complain.

If for some reason you are dissatisfied with the purchase made in our online store, you can turn to an Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity (RAL) for consumption, as shown in the list below:

Lisbon Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center
CIAB – Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (Consumer Arbitration Court)
CNIACC – National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts
European Commission

You can also formalize your complaints and claims regarding purchases made in our online store by contacting WELCOME TO THE LOVE CLUB via email

To check more information about these processes, we also suggest consulting the website of the Directorate-General for the Consumer:

What is alternative consumer dispute resolution?

It is a mechanism that allows all consumers to resort to official entities that can assist in the resolution of any conflict with a commercial entity, without first having to open a litigation process in Courts.

What is the role of these entities in conflict resolution?

These entities act as intermediaries between the consumer and the trader who is the subject of the complaint. The intermediary may impose a solution on both parties, or seek to bring them together so that a solution can be reached. Alternative dispute resolution is, as a rule, less expensive, less formal and faster than the judicial route.